How FileShadow Helps you Organize like a Pro

One thing that often gets ignored in our fast paced lives is organization. Most people (and in most areas of their lives) shirk this vital task in lieu of other (probably more exciting or pressing) things. And let’s be honest, your computer files are no exception.
Cheers to those who are smart enough to have a cloud backup of their computer files, but even so, how does one find one’s files in the convoluted mess that is one’s cloud backup? Or even worse, what if you don’t have a cloud backup at all? FileShadow is the cloud that can save you from the time, frustration, and hideous slew of obscenities that might otherwise ensue without one. Let’s delve into this, shall we?
So, what is FileShadow?
FileShadow is a multi-cloud aggregation tool that allows you to backup your valuable “digital assets” (fancy marketing term for your many, many files and photos). But what does this mean? This means that even if you already have a cloud (or multiple) clouds backing up your data, you can consolidate them into one secure cloud vault...AND your Mac or Windows desktop(s)...AND your direct and network attached (DAS/NAS) external devices. How this helps you is that, ta da, all of your stuff is automatically backed up and stored in one spot, and you don’t have to delete any of your other accounts if you don’t want to. And even if you accidentally (or purposely) delete files from another account, they will remain in FileShadow until you manually delete them there.
That’s great, but how does FileShadow help you get organized? (Besides allowing you to backup all of your stuff in one place, which, let’s face it, is 90% of the battle.) FileShadow not only provides a secure vault for your digital assets, it allows you to search for files you haven’t named and that aren’t organized into traditional file structures. Back in the day, when computers were still in their infancy, early software companies created digital filing systems that mimicked the paper filing systems people were used to. This made for an easier user transition to digital filing, and seemed like a logical step as society migrated from killing trees to digitization. And thanks to modern advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), those days may soon be going the way of the rotary phone. AI and ML are getting so intelligent that you don’t even have to name your files if you don’t want to. FileShadow employs these super cool technologies within our software so that you can find what you want in a flash, whether or not you have named or organized the file(s).
FileShadow can also recognize your files and photos based on the content or geolocation. For instance, if you take a bunch of photos in Hawaii with your BFF, you can search for any pictures taken within a certain mile radius of where those were taken (given your phone location services tracking was turned on or you manually tagged them with the location). Or, if you want to find all of your pictures with palm trees in them, you would search for the words “palm trees” and all pictures with palm trees (or PDFs with the words “palm” and/or “trees” in them) would show up. As FileShadow performs an optical character recognition (OCR) search of PDFs, any scanned documents with those words will pull up as well, along with pictures where palm tree images are recognized. This will definitely come in handy when looking for the “Palm Tree Hotel” receipt you scanned for your expense report, or that picture of you standing next to that super tall, beautiful “palm tree” that you couldn’t find in your other clouds, but desperately want to post to your Instagram account. You get the gist.
It really couldn’t get any easier. Now you don’t even have to name or organize your files or photos, because FileShadow’s search function allows you to find what you want through tagging or keyword search.
(What are you waiting for? Let’s get started.)
→ All you have to do is go to the FileShadow website, click the “Sign up” button to set up a new account, add a username and password and you’re off to the races.
→ After you have set up an account you can link all of your data sources (i.e. Mac or Windows desktop, DropBox, Adobe accounts, Google Drive, etc.).
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